Our specialized, demand-side energy management program is designed to optimize your energy and resource consumption. We’ll tailor this three-phase program to meet your specific needs and goals.

Energy-Based Program Management

Interested in energy-efficient building upgrades and applying for federal incentives?

Get in touch with our engineers for a free consultation.


“Our policymakers have just committed to transitioning to 100% clean energy in 10 years, and I don’t know where to start with fulfilling that obligation. I need help developing a plan that begins with reducing our energy consumption and carbon footprint!”

—Future 2KB Client


We deploy our three-phase energy program to get organizations on the best and most efficient track to clean energy.

Do you want a clear path to clean energy? We can help!



Critical elements

We start by defining the elements, policies, and procedures that will govern the program. These include applicability and reasonableness, the risks of adoption, and the requirements related to monitoring and reporting.

Program estimates

Our expert Energy Engineers estimate the program’s expenditures and establish savings estimates.

Technical specifications

We oversee the development of all technical specifications for energy conservation projects and programs.

Key deliverable

We create a written plan, centered around existing operational procedures, that serves as a guide for program procurement and implementation.


Final Checks

Prior to implementation, the design group finalizes engineering assessments, program costs, and design and specification activity.


We either install the energy-efficiency projects ourselves, or we partner with internal procurement groups to procure subcontracting teams.

Construction management

Our construction managers provide contract administration and construction management services to ensure safety, quality, and compliance.

Administrative functions

Throughout the construction phase, we execute day-to-day administrative functions. These include processing and documenting payment applications, tracking the program’s total performance, and updating program stakeholders.


Measurement and Verification (M&V)

M&V provides a detailed quantitative analysis of collected data, including precise measurements and models to ensure persistence of program benefits.

It’s been estimated that without a specific plan to measure and verify project performance, savings can erode by up to 50% over time.

Our measurement and verification services improve the value of your program by:

Tracking the cost-effectiveness of energy projects and answering the question: How much is actually being saved over time?

Prioritizing and planning for future projects based on how previous projects performed relative to expectations.

Producing reports for the stakeholders, regulators, and staff on the overall performance of energy efficiency programs. These reports include key performance indicators (KPI) identified before program implementation.

Let’s work together!

We’ll create an energy management strategy that’s tailored to meet your unique goals